Distant Reiki is performed by a Second Degree Reiki practitioner who is trained to access the energetic field that envelopes and runs through our bodies. Just as yoga has 8 limbs of practice, Reiki too has a spiritual component. Some people liken Distant Reiki’s effects to those found in prayer and meditation.

Distant sessions are perfect for those who can’t be seen in-person. Sessions may be beneficial during surgery, in recovery, in preparation for an important life event, or by those who want to enjoy Reiki’s benefits from the comfort of their own home.


If you have questions or information you’d like to share ahead of time via phone, your practitioner can set up a brief call before your session. Otherwise, she will text just before she begins to let you know she’s ready and to ask for your intention for the session.

Plan to get comfortable wherever you are. Most people prefer to lie down in a quiet space with a blanket covering them. As with a hands-on Reiki session, Distant Reiki requires nothing of the recipient. You don’t need to believe the Reiki is working, clear your mind, or focus on anything in particular to receive its benefits.

Your practitioner uses traditional Reiki symbols and a visualized map of points along the body to access your energetic field. This is not done over the phone and it is recommended that your phone be turned completely off during the session.

Please allow an hour for your Distant Treatment which are followed by an email summary and optional phone debrief on a separate day.


Reiki is shown to produce profound healing benefits specific to each individual. Many recipients enter an Alpha brainwave-pattern, a state between waking and sleeping, where healing is shown to be especially effective. Recipients report feeling lighter, more relaxed, clearer and centered. Repeat sessions are recommended to lift older and deeper energy blockages. Read articles HERE about Reiki’s studied effects.


Plan to take especially good care of yourself after your session. Aside from feeling deeply relaxed, your intuition may be heightened; pay attention to signs, dreams, and new ideas for the next few days. Reiki can also bring emotions to the surface, so be gentle with yourself as you process what comes up. Reiki is a “do no harm” practice and only delivers what your system can handle. We will email you with a summary within 24 hours of your session and to see how you’re feeling.